chia seeds, rhubarb, currant and kamut magic crumble

The day I discovered chia seeds isn't that far back in my food history. In fact I had the pleasure to meet these magic seeds a couple of years ago, few months after my relocation from Italy to Australia.
Chia seeds are very high in Omega 3, dietary fibre, protein as well as vitamins, minerals and antioxidant.

For centuries this tiny little seed was used as a staple food by the Indians of the south west and Mexico. Known as the running food, its use as a high energy endurance food has been recorded as far back as the ancient Aztecs. 
Chia seeds contain approximately three to ten times the oil concentrations of most grains and one and a half to two times the protein concentrations of other grains. 
The real amazing news is that soaked Chia seeds can be used as a fat replacer substituting the oil in your recipes!!
Yes, if you soak Chia seeds overnight or pour hot water on them and wait 5 minutes, you will notice that they turn into a jelly substance, which can be used to improve energy and endurance whilst giving extra texture and nutrients to your baked recipes!
It's a dream come true.
This crumble is one of my first attempt to make a delicious dessert while saving my waistline from expansion.
The little chia seeds in fact, when soaked in water turn into a jelly substance that act similar to real butter!!
I kind of like the half-cooked but crispy texture that chia seeds give to baked delicacies, and this is pretty much what you are going to get if you try this recipe.
I have used 2 spoons of soaked chia seeds in my crumble,trying to get rid of the excessive water. 
The result is a crunchy but soft texture with a nutty flavor, due also to the presence of Kamut flour, an amazing low gluten option, high in protein selenium, zinc, and magnesium.
Bingo, I would say.
So enjoy this super-amazing-high nutrients extra mega healthy bomb dessert  with a licorice tea or a nice old school caffelatte :)

Ingredients for 4-6

6 stalks Organic Rhubarb cut in pieces
3 spoons currants
15 gr Maple syrup

1 organic egg

2 spoons chia seeds
100 gr Kamut flour
Lemon rind grated
1 spoon vanilla extract

In a medium pan bring full pot of water to the boil.
Add rhubarb and cook for 5 minutes.
Drain the rhubarb getting rid of excessive water.
Transfer the Rhubarb into a bowl, add currants and maple syrup. 
In a separate bowl mix flour, egg,rind, extract and jelly chia seeds. With the help of your finger rub the mixture until chunky crumbs form. 
Place in separated bowls with Rhubarb mixture on the bottom and crumbs on top.
Bake in a hot oven at °180 for 20 minutes.
Serve hot with a bit of maple syrup on top.